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Preconference Workshop: Simple Supports for Dynamic Exhibits

  • 18 May 2017
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Ohio History Center, 3rd floor Archives/Library Classroom, 800 E. 17th St, Columbus

Join OPC at the Society of Ohio Archivists (SOA) joint fall conference held with the Ohio Local History Alliance.

Workshop Description: A hands-on workshop; attendees will learn how preventative preservation can enhance the aesthetics of exhibiting flat archival material, and ways to create safe and inexpensive mounts and supports that create multiple viewing angles to accommodate a variety of cases. Simple archivally sound supports not only protect your collections during display, but also provide flexibility and visual interest in the most stubborn display cases. Registration capped at 20, so don’t wait!

Workshop handout (PDF)

Workshop schedule:
12:30 PM            1:00 PM               Registration
1:00 PM               3:00 PM               Workshop
3:15 PM               4:00 PM               Tour

Miriam Nelson is head of Preservation for the Ohio University Libraries where she oversees the conservation of the general and special collections, administrates the Libraries’ preservation program, and manages the Southeast Ohio Regional Library Depository. She also serves as Chair Elect of the Ohio Preservation Council.

Catarina Figueirinhas is senior conservation technician for the University of Cincinnati Preservation Lab where she works mostly on medium rare and special collections books. She is a member of the Ohio Preservation Council, the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, and the Cincinnati Book Arts Society.

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This project was supported in whole or in part by federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds, granted through the State Library of Ohio.  The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of IMLS or the State Library of Ohio, and no official endorsement by either agency should be inferred.

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