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Ohio Preservation Council Workshops

The Ohio Preservation Council is pleased to offer a selection of workshops taught by local experts in the field of preservation.  Our workshops are geared to be affordable and accessible, but are confined to the State of Ohio.  You may consider hosting a workshop at your institution or select a location nearby at one of our preferred venues. Please contact the OPC Education and Programs Chair to request one of the workshop below. 

Interested in teaching or assisting an instructor?

OPC is eager to collaborate with others to build our body of knowledge.  OPC workshops frequently consist of multiple instructors and we encourage you to participate.  Contact the OPC Education and Programs Chair to organize a workshop, become an instructor, or help us grow our curriculum and assist us at the workshop.  Guest speakers at quarterly meetings are a welcomed favorite, too!

Education & Programs (co-officers)
Amber Bales, Ohio State University

Phone: (614) 292-1857

Eric Harrelson, Miami University
Phone: (513) 529-2887


Depending on a variety of factors, such as scheduling availability and location in proximity to participants or instructors, OPC utilizes public meeting rooms at venues located in the following three main cities:


Cleveland Public Library, Main Library

325 Superior Avenue

Cleveland, OH, 44114

For information about meeting rooms at the Main Library visit:


Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Main Library

800 Vine Street

Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202-2009

For information about meeting rooms at the Main Library visit:


1500 West Lane Avenue
Columbus, Ohio, 43221-3975

Columbus Metropolitan Library, Main Library
96 S. Grant Avenue

Columbus, OH 43215

For information about meeting rooms at the Main Library visit:

The State Library of Ohio
274 E. First Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43201

For information about meeting rooms at the State Library visit:

Additional Workshop Venues:  In the past, various institutions throughout the State of Ohio have kindly hosted OPC workshops and may be appropriate for targeted workshop topics on a case-by-case basis.


Local Ohio experts in preservation teach workshops as they pertain to the instructor’s area of expertise.  Instructors consist largely of OPC members, librarians, conservators, curators, technicians, and digital media specialists. 

The following are OPC instructors who may be available for future teaching:

Catarina Figueirinhas

Senior Conservation Specialist

University of Cincinnati Libraries

Past workshops: Simple Supports for Dynamic Exhibits, Nag Hammadi Historic Book Structure

Jamye Jamison

Paper Conservator

Jamison Art Conservation

Past workshops: Matting, Basic Enclosures, Considerations for Storage Enclosures

Miriam Nelson

Head of Preservation and Digital Initiatives

Ohio University

Past workshops: Simple Supports for Dynamic Exhibits, Introduction to Cradles, Care and Handling for Digitization

Carrie Phillips

Archives & Special Collections Librarian

Bluffton University

 Past workshops: Basic Enclosures

Holly Prochaska

Preservation Librarian

University of Cincinnati Libraries

Past workshops: When Disaster Strikes, Be Prepared!, Corrugated Clamshells, Introduction to Cradles, Disaster Kit Orientation

Ashleigh Schieszer

Library and Archives Conservator

Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

Past workshops: Matting for Long Term Storage, When Disaster Strikes, Be Prepared!, Introduction to Cradles, Care and Handling for Digitization, Evaluation for Housing, Disaster Kit Orientation


OPC is eager to collaborate with others to build our body of knowledge.  Interested in teaching or assisting an instructor?  OPC workshops frequently consist of multiple instructors and we encourage you to participate.  Contact the OPC Education and Programs Chair to organize a workshop and become an instructor, or help us grow our curriculum and assist us at the workshop.  Guest speakers at quarterly meetings are welcomed favorite, too!

Past Workshop Locations:

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Kristen Muenz

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This project was supported in whole or in part by federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds, granted through the State Library of Ohio.  The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of IMLS or the State Library of Ohio, and no official endorsement by either agency should be inferred.

© Ohio Preservation Council