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About Us

The Ohio Preservation Council serves as a coalition of preservationists, conservators, librarians, archivists, curators, records managers, the institutions they represent, and other concerned citizens who recognize the serious threat to documentary heritage. The Council's mission is to provide a network for preservation education and to support preservation activities within the state of Ohio.

The Council believes cooperative, state-wide efforts across geographic and professional lines are needed to meet preservation challenges.  

We honor the importance of people in our mission to preserve cultural heritage. The Council recognizes the rich history of Native People in this state who were often forcibly removed from their traditional lands. These lands, where we live and work, include the unceded and ancestral territory of many communities: the Adena, Chippewa, Delaware or Lenape, Eel RiverEireHopewell, IroquoisKaskaskiaKickapooMiami or Myaamia, MingoMississauga, MunseeOttawaOsage, Piankashaw, Potawatomi, Sauk, Seneca, Shawnee, Wea, and Wyandot people.  Join us in acknowledging Indigenous community members, their elders (both past and present), as well as future generations who have stewarded the lands of Ohio for centuries.  You may consider giving to the First Nations Development Institute whose grants and programs serve to strengthen Native communities.

Officers (2023-2024)


Virginia Dressler, Kent State University
Phone: (330) 672-1465


Marcela Estevez, Ohio State University

Phone: (614) 292-9690

Holly Prochaska, University of Cincinnati/Preservation Lab
Phone: (513) 556-1389

Membership Liaison
Kristen Muenz, Wexner Center for the Arts
Phone: (614) 247-5906

OhioDIG Liaison

Adam Wanter, MidPointe Library

Phone: (513) 705-8512

Officers (2023-2024)

Education & Programs (co-officers)
Amber Bales, Ohio State University

Phone: (614) 292-1857

Eric Harrelson, Miami University
Phone: (513) 529-2887

Catarina Figueirinhas, University of Cincinnati/Preservation Lab 
Phone: (513) 556-4280

Marketing & Outreach (co-officers)
Andrew R. Mancuso, Case Western Reserve University
Phone: (216) 368-3465

Gena Reynolds, Oberlin College
Phone: (440) 775-5102


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For questions regarding membership, please contact:

Kristen Muenz

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This project was supported in whole or in part by federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds, granted through the State Library of Ohio.  The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of IMLS or the State Library of Ohio, and no official endorsement by either agency should be inferred.

© Ohio Preservation Council