OPC 2025 Grants - Now accepting applications! The Ohio Preservation Council has updated the grant procedures and awards to reflect the current emphasis on remote learning and virtual conferences. Grants may also be used toward allied professional memberships. Ohio Preservation Council offers awards of up to $500 each in support of continuing education for Ohio Students and Professionals with an interest in preserving our cultural heritage. More information can be found in this PDF document. | Congratulations to our Grant Recipients We are honored to have the opportunity to support our colleagues in their pursuit of knowledge and professional experience. We would like to thank all who applied and encourage others to participate in the next round. Once again, congratulations to our grant recipients! |
Mini Grant Introduction: The Ohio Preservation Council provides its membership with opportunities for leadership and education within our constituent preservation community. Through activities at quarterly meetings, teaching and assistantship roles at OPC-sponsored workshops, curriculum development, idea-sharing, institutional reporting, and show-and-tell, OPC encourages the pursuit of professional enrichment in diverse ways. | Other Grant Opportunities Ohio grant to provide funding to conserve an item(s) in a library's collection: Grant opportunities for digitization and preservation related projects: |