Join us March 10th, at 10am for the OPC Quarterly Membership Meeting online via Zoom. Following the business meeting, please join us for a "show and tell" by Case Western Reserve University Preservation Officer, Andrew Mancuso, on how he found a creative solution for working with odd-shaped paper fills.
Please review the November 2021 Quarterly Meeting Minutes here.
Feel free to join early at 9:45 for a social pre-gathering to say "hello" to colleagues and discuss member updates.

Meeting Information
Topic: OPC Quarterly Business Meeting
Time: Mar 10, 2022 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Agenda (10 - 11am):
1. Call to order, agenda review, introductions
2. Chair Report (Jim DaMico, OPC Chair)
3. Chair-Elect Report (Virginia Dressler, OPC Chair Elect)
4. Approval of Minutes (Jamye Jamison, Secretary)
5. Review of the Council’s finances (Miriam Nelson, Treasurer)
6. Membership updates (Kristen Muenz, Membership)
7. Marketing & Outreach Committee (Andrew Mancuso & Gena Reynolds)
8. Education & Programming Committee report (Rachel Makarowski & Kim Hoffman, Education and Programs)

15 Minute Break (11:00 - 11:15)

Nose Hair Trimmer Presentation (11:15 - 12pm)
Andrew is the Preservation Officer for Kelvin Smith Library at Case Western Reserve University and has been working in the Cultural Heritage field for nearly a decade. At KSL, Andrew is tasked with preventive and interventive conservation, general collections care, and specialized analytical imaging. He enjoys many aspects of this work, and in particular, creating and utilizing inventive technology-driven solutions for the profession.
While browsing through the AIC Wiki one day, Andrew came across a page about a project regarding the transformation of a personal grooming tool...his interest was peaked. Upon further investigation, he was thrilled to find a creative solution for working with odd-shaped paper fills that utilized a retro-fitted nose hair trimmer. Creating the perfect fill for losses in collection items can be tiring to complete by hand, but with this grooming device-turned-perforating pen, it becomes a breeze! Originally presented at the 2014 AIC conference by Grace Owen-Weiss, Andrew will be going over the instructions and tips to assemble this handy little tool according to her revised version. You are welcome to acquire the supplies listed and build your own or just follow along!